Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Wahl KM10+ Dog Clipper: Maximum Precision and Comfort

Experience ultimate grooming freedom with the Wahl KM10+ Dog Clipper. This machine is perfect for partial and full grooming of dogs of all sizes, cats, and even Angora rabbits. Featuring a brushless motor running at two speeds of 3,000 and 3,700 RPM, it offers superior performance and durability. The LOCKGUARD™ technology ensures effortless blade changes, while the ergonomic, non-slip design provides maximum comfort and control. The Prime Series #10 blade, made from high-carbon steel, is designed for longevity and delivers a professional finish every time.

Ideal for dog groomers and veterinarians who appreciate high precision and easy handling. Thanks to the automatic constant speed control, you can easily glide through matted and dense fur. The quiet operation makes grooming a stress-free experience for you and your pet. With a 4.2-meter long cord, the KM10+ offers maximum freedom of movement, so you have full control in every situation.


  • Partial and full grooming
  • Brushless motor with two speeds: 3000 & 3700 RPM
  • High-carbon steel blade, Prime Series #10
  • LOCKGUARD™ technology for easy blade changes
  • Lightweight, non-slip design
  • Quiet and cool operation

Technical Data:

  • Motor: 2 speeds (3000 & 3700 RPM)
  • Blade: Prime Series #10, high-carbon steel
  • Cord length: 4.2 meters
  • Motor: Brushless


1x Wahl KM10+ Dog Clipper

Questions & Answers:

Is the KM10+ suitable for dense fur?

Yes, the constant speed control automatically adjusts to glide effortlessly through dense fur.

How does the blade change work on the KM10+?

Thanks to the LOCKGUARD™ technology, you can change the blade effortlessly without the hinge closing.

Is the clipper suitable for nervous animals?

Yes, the quiet operation ensures a stress-free grooming experience.

Szín: ibolya
Súly: 350 g
Zajszint: 60 dB
Származás: Németország
Ciklusszám: 3000 H/min, 3700 H/min
Teljesítmény: 100 - 240 V
Állatfajok: Kutya, Macska
Adatok a gyártó szerint. A hibák és változtatások fenntartva.

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A WAHL nyírógépek a legnagyobb pontosságot és tartósságot kínálják állatai gondozásához. Az innovatív technológiának és a robusztus anyagoknak köszönhetően hosszú élettartamot és könnyű kezelhetőséget garantálnak. Nem számít, hogy aprólékos munkát vagy erőteljes nyírást szeretne végezni, a WAHL minden alkalmazáshoz a megfelelő eszközt kínálja. Az ergonomikus kialakítás kényelmes munkavégzést tesz lehetővé, míg a fejlett vágási technológiák pontos és tiszta vágást tesznek lehetővé. Fedezze fel a WAHL sokoldalú nyírógépeit és trimmereit, és élvezze a „Made in Germany” minőséget.

Gyártói információk

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    Tartalom: 0.4 Liter (13 140 Ft* / 1 Liter)

    5 256 Ft*
    WAHL nyírógép olaj Special 200 ml
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    7 279 Ft*
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    Tartalom: 0.09 Liter (41 767 Ft* / 1 Liter)

    3 759 Ft*
    Wahl KM10+ Clipper with attachment comb set
    Wahl KM10+ Clipper with attachment comb set
    Wahl KM10+ Dog Clipper with Attachment Comb Set: Perfect Care for Your Pet Discover the precision and comfort of the Wahl KM10+ Dog Clipper with Attachment Comb Set. This clipper is ideal for professional groomers, dog stylists, and veterinarians who value top-notch performance and easy handling. The brushless motor operates at two speeds of 3,000 and 3,700 RPM, providing powerful yet gentle grooming. The automatic speed control ensures that even matted fur is effortlessly trimmed, while the quiet design is perfect for noise-sensitive animals. The ergonomic design of the clipper offers a lightweight, non-slip housing that allows for comfortable handling and fatigue-free work. The blades made of high-carbon steel ensure durability and a professional finish with every use. With the included stainless steel attachment comb set, consisting of 8 combs, you can customize the length of the trim. This machine is an indispensable tool for anyone who desires the highest precision and quality. Overview: Full and partial grooming for all sizes Brushless motor with two speeds: 3000 & 3700 RPM High-carbon steel for long-lasting durability Quiet, ideal for sensitive animals Includes stainless steel attachment comb set Ergonomic, non-slip design Technical Data: Motor: 2 speeds (3000 & 3700 RPM) Blade: High-carbon steel Cord length: 4.2 meters Motor: Brushless Included: 1x Wahl KM10+ Dog Clipper 1x Stainless Steel Attachment Comb Set (3, 6, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25 mm) 1x #10 Blade of the Prime Series 1x Cleaning Brush 1x Clipper Oil Questions & Answers: Is the KM10+ suitable for dense fur? Yes, the constant speed control automatically adjusts to glide effortlessly through dense fur. How does the blade change work on the KM10+? Thanks to the LOCKGUARD™ technology, you can change the blade effortlessly without the hinge closing. Is the clipper suitable for nervous animals? Yes, the quiet design ensures a stress-free grooming experience.

    117 289 Ft*
    Wahl Prime Series blade 1,5mm, #10
    Wahl Prime Series blade 1,5mm, #10
    Méret: #10 1,5mm
    Wahl Snap-On Blade Prime Series: Precision for Perfect Results The Wahl Snap-On Blade Prime Series is the key to achieving a professional finish with every pass. Made in Germany from high-quality, high-carbon steel, this blade offers impressive durability and superior performance. The grooved blade profile keeps the blade cool even after extended use, making grooming comfortable and stress-free for your pet. With the quick-change system, maintenance and blade replacement are a breeze. The precision-ground blades ensure that you achieve perfect results every time. This blade is ideal for anyone who values superior precision and easy handling. It is compatible with a variety of Snap-On machines such as Max50+, Max45, KM2+, KM5, KM10+, Avalon, KM Cordless, KM Supera, and MaxGO. Whether dealing with dense or fine coats, you'll find the right blade size for your needs. The solid metal construction and various size options make this blade an indispensable tool for professional groomers and pet lovers alike. Overview: Made of high-carbon steel, manufactured in Germany Grooved blade profile for cooler operation Solid metal and quick-change system Precision-ground for a professional finish Various sizes for different coat types Compatible with many Snap-On machines Technical Data: Material: High-quality, high-carbon steel Compatibility: Max50+, Max45, KM2+, KM5, KM10+, Avalon, KM Cordless, KM Supera, MaxGO Included: 1x Wahl Snap-On Blade Prime Series Questions & Answers: How do I change the blade? The quick-change system allows for effortless and rapid blade replacement. Is the blade suitable for all coat types? Yes, various sizes are available to suit different coat types. How does the blade stay cool during use? The grooved blade profile ensures the blade remains cool even with prolonged use.

    17 394 Ft*