W-Health & Care Pro Massage Gun, Hot & Cold
59 429 Ft*
% 75 762 Ft* (21.56% mentve) Tartalom 1 darab
Rendelkezésre álló, szállítási idő: 3-5 nap
Termékszám: 48968
EAN: 4057962224735
- 30 napos visszaküldési jog
- 15 év tapasztalat
- több mint 500.000 elégedett ügyfél
The latest W-Health & Care Pro Hot & Cold massage gun from Waldhausen is not only a must-have at the stable, but also the perfect companion on the go.
The five different attachments allow the massage to be highly focussed in one spot as well as over a wider area whereby, also by regulating the speed, the different muscle areas of the horse can be individually addressed. To warm up and loosen up, or after an intense workout, the new W-Health & Care Pro Massage Gun from Waldhausen can contribute positively to the regeneration of your horse with its 3 functions - vibrating, cooling or warming.
For this, make use of the 3 different heating and cooling temperature levels (between 10°C & 45°C, ±5°C) at the press of a button.
The heat function has a muscle-relaxing, circulation-increasing and pain-relieving effect, while the cold function can briefly reduce blood flow, thereby minimizing swelling.
The non-slip surface ensures comfortable use and handling of the device. At only 620g and with a maximum volume of 45db, it is one of the lightest and quietest massage devices.
The five different attachments allow the massage to be highly focussed in one spot as well as over a wider area whereby, also by regulating the speed, the different muscle areas of the horse can be individually addressed. To warm up and loosen up, or after an intense workout, the new W-Health & Care Pro Massage Gun from Waldhausen can contribute positively to the regeneration of your horse with its 3 functions - vibrating, cooling or warming.
For this, make use of the 3 different heating and cooling temperature levels (between 10°C & 45°C, ±5°C) at the press of a button.
The heat function has a muscle-relaxing, circulation-increasing and pain-relieving effect, while the cold function can briefly reduce blood flow, thereby minimizing swelling.
The non-slip surface ensures comfortable use and handling of the device. At only 620g and with a maximum volume of 45db, it is one of the lightest and quietest massage devices.
Merüljön el a Waldhausen több mint 185 éves szakértelmében, amely a legjobb minőségű lovas termékek hagyományos neve. Legyen szó kiváló minőségű kantárról, nyergről, lótakaróról vagy stílusos nyeregbetétről – a Waldhausen átfogó választékot kínál lovak és lovasok számára. A Német Lovas Olimpiai Bizottság (DOKR) büszke szállítójaként 1972 óta Waldhausen a tapasztalat, az innováció és a minőséget képviseli. Fedezze fel a hosszú élettartamú termékeket, amelyek tökéletesen megfelelnek a ló és a lovas igényeinek, és gazdagítsa lovas életét a Waldhausen segítségével.
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