Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Wahl KM Supera Horse Clipper 2x Battery with MagicBrush

The Wahl KM Supera Horse Clipper 2x Battery is your ideal companion for full body clipping of horses with simple coats as well as for detail and partial clipping. With cordless technology, you enjoy full freedom of movement and safety, as tripping hazards from cords are a thing of the past. Thanks to the powerful motor, equipped with automatic speed control, even difficult coat areas can be clipped effortlessly and quickly. The clipper remains pleasantly quiet at only 68 dB, ensuring stress-free coat care, which nervous animals will also appreciate.

With two speed levels (3000 and 3700 RPM), the Wahl KM Supera offers flexibility for gentle and powerful clipping. The ergonomic design of the clipper ensures comfortable handling, while the low weight of only 411 g makes the work easier. The precision-ground #10W blade made of high-quality steel with a high carbon content guarantees a professional finish and stays cool even after prolonged use thanks to the grooved profile. The optimized snap-on system with LOCKGUARD protection makes handling when changing and cleaning the blade particularly easy and safe.

This horse clipper is particularly suitable for professional horse groomers, owners, and breeders who have high demands on their equipment. The set also includes the popular MagicBrush brush, which facilitates cleaning the horse's coat before and after clipping. The two Li-Ion batteries offer unlimited runtime, as you can use them alternately, with each battery providing up to 3 hours of runtime.


  • Ideal for full body and partial clipping of horses
  • Cordless technology for full freedom of movement
  • Powerful, quiet motor with automatic speed control
  • Two speed levels (3000 and 3700 RPM)
  • Precision-ground blade made of high-quality steel
  • Ergonomic design, lightweight and balanced
  • Includes MagicBrush brush for coat care
  • Made in Germany
  • Color: Purple

Technical Data:

  • Motor: Brushless with automatic speed control
  • Speed: 3000 and 3700 RPM
  • Battery runtime: 2x up to 3 hours (60 min for 80%, 100 min for 100%)
  • Noise level: < 68 dB(A)
  • Weight: 411 g
  • Dimensions: 195x50x45 mm
  • Blade: #10W, 1.5 mm, made of high-quality steel with high carbon content

Delivery Contents:

1x Wahl KM Supera Horse Clipper 2x Battery
All-in-One machine holder with charging station
2x Li-Ion batteries
1x #10W blade
1x Soft Shell Case
1x MagicBrush Nature single brush
1x Cleaning brush
1x Clipper oil


How long does the battery of the Wahl KM Supera Horse Clipper last?
The clipper comes with two Li-Ion batteries, each providing up to 3 hours of runtime. You can use the batteries alternately to ensure unlimited operating time.

Is the clipper suitable for nervous horses?
Yes, the Wahl KM Supera clipper operates very quietly at only 68 dB, making coat care stress-free and pleasant for nervous animals.

Modell: 2x akku
Ciklusszám: 3000 H/min, 3700 H/min
Adatok a gyártó szerint. A hibák és változtatások fenntartva.

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A WAHL nyírógépek a legnagyobb pontosságot és tartósságot kínálják állatai gondozásához. Az innovatív technológiának és a robusztus anyagoknak köszönhetően hosszú élettartamot és könnyű kezelhetőséget garantálnak. Nem számít, hogy aprólékos munkát vagy erőteljes nyírást szeretne végezni, a WAHL minden alkalmazáshoz a megfelelő eszközt kínálja. Az ergonomikus kialakítás kényelmes munkavégzést tesz lehetővé, míg a fejlett vágási technológiák pontos és tiszta vágást tesznek lehetővé. Fedezze fel a WAHL sokoldalú nyírógépeit és trimmereit, és élvezze a „Made in Germany” minőséget.

Gyártói információk

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